ESC Experience Smart Change Cambodia
About Anita

Compared to Wolfgang my career path is enriched with different areas of work and life. After School, I served my apprenticeship as Material Tester and afterwards worked as a metallographer.

At the age of 24 years I gave my first speech at an European wide symposium about metallography.  

Then my life changed, I got married and gave birth to my two children. I had to acquire new skills in the medical and psychological field for the sake of them.

Based on the experience I made, I founded soon after my own company to help individuals as well as organizations to deal with and master stress situations and related health issues.

My life took a new spin when we moved to China. Four years I was member of the board at the German School in Shanghai. Soon after I accepted the job of the Business Communication and Internal Training with a German automotive supplier in Shanghai.

In 2016, we decided to do something on our own and to combine our skills and strengths for our own company.

After decades of training in different countries Cambodia provides for us the perfect environment to push workshops and events to the maximum efficiency and success for the participants.      

Sustainability and social responsibility and giving something back to a third world society is a core value for me too, so I am working part-time to support with my skills the poorest here in a school and community centre for pupils and adults close to Siem Reap.   

About Wolfgang

I made a typical German engineer career with a Dipl. Ing. degree in Mechanical Engineering and a worldwide QM responsibility. The big change in my life came with my appointment to the Vice President Asia for a German automotive industry supplier.

I moved together with my wife to China / Shanghai to leading activities for building up a production location from scratch and also supervising the Korean entity.

But after 10 years in Shanghai my wife and I decided to do something on our own.

So I handed over a highly profitable company with 350 employees in Shanghai and a profitable and stable running Korean business end of 2016 and moved to Cambodia.

With my strong background in automotive industry, personally acquired knowledge and sensitivity about different cultures and consulting background of my wife we wanted to do things different.

We found a beautiful place in Cambodia / Siem Reap where we can combine professional background with the inspiring and creative location for workshops, seminars and company outings.

Along with a strong focus on sustainability and social responsibility we also can give something back to a third world society.

It is a perfect environment with less distraction from the busy work peripherals and I am sure customers will highly benefit from this unique setup in the “Kingdom Of Wonder”, Cambodia.

About US


Establishment of “Experience Smart Change” and Move to Cambodia

“Team development training” Improving work groups – a practical training for team leader. Publication from Dave Francis & Don Young and start training people

“Improving communication skills” Publication and start training people in China and Germany

“Successful cooperation on across cultural boundaries” Publication and start training people in China and Germany

Business communication, Corporate Identity and internal coach at Alfmeier Automotive (Systems) Shanghai

Stress free and free of fear behavior in exams (for Student)

Member of the board, German School Shanghai

move to Shanghai

establishment AKIOS (an institute for health maintenance and simultaneous increase of power at stress conditioned phenomena in the management of companies, also a training for better and successful cooperation in teams)

“Genergetic” AKIOS Publication and start training people

“Independence can be easy” A way to get self-employed Publication and start training people

Member of the board in Germany for social-professional organization of Three in on concepts

1999 open WEISS stress management, education & coaching

start study: Traditional healer, Three in one concepts Facilitator, advanced consultant and advanced instructor

Metallographer; IABG (Industrieanlagen Betriebsgesellschaft)

Metallographer; MTU Aerospace

Apprenticeship as Material tester; MTU Aerospace



Establishment of “Experience Smart Change” and Move to Cambodia


Extended the depth of localization in a 2nd building with Injection molding


Relocated production from Shanghai/Pudong to Shanghai/Qingpu


First local Chinese production


First trading business in China


Move to Shanghai as General Manager Asia/Pacific; building up production in China


First contacts with Asian customers and business with W.L. Gore and associates in China, Korea, Japan and Malaysia


EFQM assessor


Six Sigma Black Belt certified from Allied Signal


Business Administration for Engineers in St.Gallen


As Graduate Mechanical Engineer joined Motoren und Turbinen Union Muenchen (MTU)


FH Munich

ESC Experience Smart Change

are core values for us, therefore we will always

ESC Experience Smart Change

respect people’s dignity

ESC Experience Smart Change

consider enviroment protection

ESC Experience Smart Change

buy local

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